Monetization Channels Library

Agency services

What is it?

Beyond just learning from you, busy people will pay you to implement your knowledge as a "done-for-you service".

This works best for niches where you're teaching a high-value skill you can execute remotely. Things like social media management, lead generation, app development - basically anything difficult to do with a clear deliverable.

The great advantage for newsletter operators is that your audience already recognizes your expertise, so will trust you to deliver what you're promising. Sprinkle in some case studies and testimonials and clients should be relatively easy to convert.

And you can deliver (and invoice for) these repeatable services month after month.

Ideal for
Beginner (< 500 subs or < $5k revenue)
Early Stage (< 5k subs or < $50k revenue)
Growing (< 50k subs or < $500k revenue)
Scaling (50k+ subs or $500k+ revenue)
... in the

The Good and the Bad

Yellow check icon
  • You can charge thousands per month for services.
  • Monthly recurring revenue.
  • Easier conversions as audience trusts you to deliver.
Red cross icon
  • Delivering these services takes time.
  • Not as scalable as info products without a team.

Examples to Steal

Gunnar Holm

Uses his weekly newsletter to promote his email growth agency, Grow Joy.

He proves he knows what he's talking about, and then offers to do it for you (earning $3k per month from each client).

Demand Curve

These guys hook subscribers by sharing some of the more exciting experiments they run in their agency.

At the bottom of each email they include this snippet, which includes a pitch for their agency services:

Their prices start at $6k per month, and with trust already built, I'm sure it's a lucrative placement.

The Playbook

Discover all 32 ways to monetize your newsletter

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