Monetization Channels Library

Templates & worksheets

What is it?

Templates are pre-built resources designed to help your subscribers achieve certain tasks.

Popular templates examples include things like customizable social media posts, or wedding invitations.

Worksheets are intended to guide the reader through a particular process. Think budgeting sheets, or a checklist for preparing a short-term rental.

Ideal for
Beginner (< 500 subs or < $5k revenue)
Early Stage (< 5k subs or < $50k revenue)
Growing (< 50k subs or < $500k revenue)
Scaling (50k+ subs or $500k+ revenue)
... in the

The Good and the Bad

Yellow check icon
  • Easy to sell these products again and again at 100% margin.
  • You can charge a lot if you niche down.
  • Bundling products together for a higher AOV.
Red cross icon
  • Capped at a low price (low willingness to pay)

Examples to Steal

Morning Brew

Morning Brew offers a fancy spreadsheet to help people keep track of their wealth.

It's a little pricey for a template, but if it helps professionals hit their financial goals, it's worth every cent.

It's important to have a good understanding of your customers so you can offer them a product that actually serves them. In this case, it's a perfect alignment.

Another example of this is these hiring templates.

And remember - you're working with near 100% margins on these sales.

Once sales for products slow down, they can also be repurposed as free lead magnets to drive further subscriber growth.

Bible Story Printables

These guys use SEO traffic to grow their list and remarket their subscribers with an array of relevant printables.

They offer plenty of free downloads to subscribers to prove the value of their content to readers - but it's all geared towards an upsell of related printables.

They give you the teaser, but you need to buy the full movie.

As you can see above, when the printables are bundled together they can get pretty expensive. On a list of 200,000, even a low conversion rate per send is going to generate a sizeable income.

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