Monetization Channels Library

Tip Jar

What is it?

A virtual tip jar lets your readers make a cash donation to help support your work.

They don't get much in return, beyond the warm fuzzy feeling that they helped you out.

You can also set up recurring donations, but these are less common to receive compared to one-off gifts.

Ideal for
Beginner (< 500 subs or < $5k revenue)
Early Stage (< 5k subs or < $50k revenue)
... in the

The Good and the Bad

Yellow check icon
  • Super simple to set up.
  • Keeps content free and accessible, unlike a paywall.
  • Isn't as annoying as ads/sponsors.
Red cross icon
  • Needs a lot of generosity to make a living!
  • There a dozens of more lucrative ways to monetize.

Examples to Steal

From Boise

Nathan Barry spent a year running From Boise with a tip jar set up. Despite not linking to it often, it still managed to generate $635. Not great, but not nothing!

convertkit tip jar
The "From Boise" tip jar

Bi-Weekly Bits

Here's an example of how a tip jar can catch revenue that might otherwise fall through the cracks.

Bi-Weekly Bits is completely free to read, but when you subscribe you still get the option to support the creator with a recurring membership.

Sort of like a recurring tip jar.

But for subscribers unwilling or unable to make a consistent commitment, there's a follow-up nudge to support with a one-time donation in the footer of the free content.

Just because someone can't pay every month, doesn't mean they won't treat you to an occasional coffee!

The Playbook

Discover all 32 ways to monetize your newsletter

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