Free Newsletter Landing Page Template

Louis Nicholls
May 12, 2024

What makes a great newsletter landing page?

Last month, my team spent 50+ hours answering that question.

We created a library of 300+ high-converting landing pages from top newsletters.


  • real conversion rate data
  • analysis from the creators of those pages
  • details on where the traffic was coming from

What we learned was super useful: There are many, many different ways to create a newsletter landing page that converts well.

But the same elements kept popping up again and again...

The very best landing pages all include the same eight key things:

  1. no distractions (eg links in the navigation menu)
  2. all the content is visible "above the fold" on desktop and mobile
  3. a clear "pitch" for how the newsletter will positively transform your life
  4. a one-sentence explanation of how the newsletter will deliver this transformation
  5. relevant social proof (and ideally, some FOMO/urgency)
  6. an email-only signup form with a value-driven CTA
  7. an eye catching (but not distracting) image
  8. fast load times

If you want a newsletter landing page that converts and grows your audience, you should be including these eight elements too.

... so we built you two free templates based on them.

Steal these free templates

In testing, the results were amazing: 1.5-2x higher conversion rates than the "old" pages they were replacing.

That's 1.5-2x faster newsletter growth, with zero extra work!

You can:

  1. clone these templates
  2. adapt the wording and styling to fit your brand, and
  3. have a high-converting newsletter landing page up and running in 30min or less.

Grab them and the free guide below 👇

Louis Nicholls

Louis is the cofounder of SparkLoop, where he helped invent many of the key tools and strategies powering growth and monetization for thousands of the world's top newsletters.

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