Growth methods

Access to a free group

What is it?

This method is where you offer free access to join an exclusive community, such as a private Discord server, Telegram channel, or Facebook group.

It allows subscribers to connect with like-minded individuals, get support, discuss ideas, and be part of an inner circle.

You make this a perk exclusively for your newsletter subscribers by requiring an email opt-in, or take it a step further and require a certain amount of referrals to get an invite.

Alternatively, you can make the group available to non-subscribers, and use it as as a discovery point for the newsletter itself.

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Ideal for
Beginner (< 500 subs or < $5k revenue)
Early Stage (< 5k subs or < $50k revenue)
Growing (< 50k subs or < $500k revenue)
Scaling (50k+ subs or $500k+ revenue)
... in the

The Good and the Bad

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Red cross icon

Examples of how to crush it

The Hustle

​​The Hustle now has millions of subscribers, and was acquired by Hubspot for over 17 million dollars.

But in the early days, one of their primary growth methods was by offering access to a private Facebook group in exchange for a few referrals to the newsletter

"It's fascinating because the group drives its own discussion. We don't have to facilitate everything" - Sam Parr, The Hustle's founder
"They're able to post emotional issues, get advice on products to buy, or get input on handling employees - because everyone is in a similar entrepreneurial mindset,"

By making it an exclusive referral reward, The Hustle creates an extra incentive loop to spread word-of-mouth growth while providing their most loyal audience with a community to collaborate and connect.

The Daily Carnage

The Daily Carnage, a popular marketing newsletter has built a thriving 20,000+ member Facebook group as a means of acquiring new subscribers.

The group offers the community a chance discuss the "freshest news, tools, tips, and tactics in the marketing world” - which is exactly the sort of thing covered in the newsletter!

Within the group, there are plenty of prominently featured calls-to-action and sign-up links to subscribe to the newsletter for more curated content.

The Playbook

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