Growth methods

Beehiiv boosts

What is it?

If you're already familiar with how SparkLoop paid recommendations work, beehiiv boosts will be easy to understand.

Exclusive to newsletters on beehiiv, you can pay other beehiiv newsletters to recommend you to their audience. Both in emails, and via their recommendations widget.

You pay a fixed price per "confirmed" subscriber.

In practice, this means you pay for most subscribers who open your newsletter at least once and don't unsubscribe themselves within the first few days.

You can approve which newsletters can recommend you, and set caps on how much you want to spend.

An icon to visualise expected effort
An icon visualising expected payoff
Up to 100 subscribers a day
Ideal for
Beginner (< 500 subs or < $5k revenue)
Early Stage (< 5k subs or < $50k revenue)
... in the

The Good and the Bad

Yellow check icon
  • quick and easy to set up
  • you decide what to pay per subscriber
Red cross icon
  • no real quality controls (average open rates only 37%)
  • have to pay the full amount in advance — which can then often be tied up for months before being released
  • need to be using beehiiv to take part

Examples of how to crush it

As the Beehiiv newsletter platform is still quite small and heavily dominated by niches like crypto and AI, newsletters in these niches seem to be the only ones that do well with boosts.

Rundown AI

The Rundown AI has grown by over 10,000 subscribers using Boosts, paying an average of $2.00 per subscriber.

Ben's Bites

Ben’s Bites — another AI newsletter — has also grown by over 10,000 subscribers using Boosts - and he says it's a really hands-off growth strategy.

The Playbook

Discover all 25 paid growth methods to grow your newsletter

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Discover all 79 ways to grow your newsletter

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