Growth methods

Coupon book

What is it?

A digital "coupon book" is a bundle of deals and savings related to your niche.

The strategy here is to offer those discounts in exchange for someone's email address to subscribe to your newsletter.

To use this strategy, you'll need to partner with companies willing to provide special coupon codes, or search the web for offers that already exist

This method would likely do best newsletters in industries where readers are frequently making purchases, like finance, shopping, marketing, business, technology or travel.

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No items found.
An icon visualising expected payoff
No items found.
Ideal for
Growing (< 50k subs or < $500k revenue)
... in the

The Good and the Bad

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Red cross icon

Examples of how to crush it

We haven’t been able to find any examples of someone running coupon booklets as a free strategy yet.

That's a shame, because it would work super well. We’re going to try it for Grow My Newsletter soon, and we’ll definitely share the results of that test!

If you’d be interested in trying this for your newsletter, get in touch! We’d love to collaborate on an experiment.

The Playbook

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