Growth methods

Guest podcasting

What is it?

Many podcasts are always on the lookout for credible guests who can share valuable insights.

Consider pitching yourself as a guest expert on podcasts in your niche.

Codie Sanchez has raised awareness for her newsletter by appearing as a guest on dozens of podcasts.

If booked, you get a platform to establish your authority while subtly promoting your newsletter.

This method gets you in front of a warm audience that has actively chosen to tune into that podcast topic, and might choose to go deeper with your newsletter content.

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Ideal for
Beginner (< 500 subs or < $5k revenue)
Early Stage (< 5k subs or < $50k revenue)
Growing (< 50k subs or < $500k revenue)
Scaling (50k+ subs or $500k+ revenue)
... in the

The Good and the Bad

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Examples of how to crush it

Codie Sanchez (Contrarian Thinking)

In the early days of Contrarian Thinking, Codie Sanchez promoted her newsletter by pitching herself as a guest for podcasts.

In a two week period, she secured around 10 podcast appearances, despite only having around 400 subscribers to her own newsletter at that time.

Some of the podcasts Codie has appeared on.

These podcast appearances helped her acquire hundreds of new subscribers and really got the ball rolling for her brand. 

Not Boring

Packy McCormick, the writer behind the popular "Not Boring" newsletter, was saying yes to almost any invitation to be a guest on other people's podcasts and YouTube channels a couple of years ago.

He was appearing as a guest on at least 2 new shows every month, with some months clocking 5-8 guest appearances.

A sample of the podcasts Packy has featured on.

There are over 100 examples of Packy being interviewed, from massive podcasts with 150,000 listeners per episode, to niche shows that only had a few hundred fans.

The podcasts span a wide range of industries and topics - crypto, general tech, creator economy, and more. They’re all related in some way to the core focus of his newsletter.

The Playbook

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