Growth methods

Improve your landing page

What is it?

Refreshing your landing page can make a massive difference to how many new sign-ups you’re able to secure.

A landing page is your dedicated web page solely focused on converting visitors into new subscribers.

The difference a landing page facelift can make.

Start by grabbing attention with a clear, benefit-oriented headline that communicates the value readers will get from your newsletter.

Then, build credibility with trust signals like testimonials and subscriber numbers.

And finally, make sure your call-to-action button is impossible to miss with contrasting colors and instructive copy.

With these kinds of optimizations, you can unlock more conversions from your hard-earned traffic.

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The Good and the Bad

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Examples of how to crush it

Sales for Founders

When Louis was running his "Sales for Founders" newsletter in 2017, he built a basic landing page that converted a respectable 18% of visitors into subscribers.

However, he knew there was room for improvement.

Recently, he decided to redesign that old landing page, implementing conversion optimization best practices he's learned over years of experience.

The revamped page included:

  1. Removing navigation menus and links to reduce distractions.
  2. Placing all critical information "above the fold" so visitors wouldn't have to scroll.
  3. Rewriting the headline to convey the transformation readers would get.
  4. Adding social proof to build trust.
  5. Optimizing the signup form by only asking for an email and using a value-driven call-to-action.
  6. Enabling an "autofocus" option that automatically draws attention to the sign-up box.

Louis then ran ads driving 1,176 visitors to test the new landing page against the 18% baseline. 

The redesigned page converted a staggering 48% of visitors into subscribers - nearly a 3x increase.

In Louis’ own words: "With zero other changes, if I'd had this landing page from the start, my newsletter could have grown almost 3x faster, potentially generating $350,000 instead of $117,000 in revenue."

You can check out the full video of the experiment below:

Demand Curve

The Demand Curve Newsletter has a landing page laser-focused on converting visitors into new subscribers.

First, the headline and opening lines get straight to the point - "We share the top strategies and tactics used by fast-growing startups" This immediately crystallizes who the newsletter is for and what it provides.

The page design has a clean, professional look with plenty of white space to reduce distractions and direct attention to the email sign-up form.

And in that form, you’ve got social proof from highlighting the existing 100,000+ subscriber base, building trust.

The Milk Road

The Milk Road draw attention to their value proposition right in the headline: "Get smarter about Crypto." They immediately explain exactly what the newsletter will deliver - snappy insights to make you a Crypto expert.

Social proof is also central. There are indirect endorsements from recognizable companies like Coinbase and Binance, along with a mention of their 300,000-strong audience.

The Playbook

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Discover all 79 ways to grow your newsletter

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