Growth methods

Library/swipe file

What is it?

A library or swipe file lead magnet is where you offer access to a collection of resources in exchange for a signup to your newsletter.

This could include template packs, code snippets, graphics, checklists, case studies and more.

Sahil Bloom shares his library of life hacks to tempt people to subscribe to his list.

Your vault of materials should be highly valuable and relevant to your specific niche or industry.

An icon to visualise expected effort
No items found.
An icon visualising expected payoff
No items found.
Ideal for
Beginner (< 500 subs or < $5k revenue)
Early Stage (< 5k subs or < $50k revenue)
Growing (< 50k subs or < $500k revenue)
Scaling (50k+ subs or $500k+ revenue)
... in the

The Good and the Bad

Yellow check icon
Red cross icon

Examples of how to crush it

Sahil Bloom

Sahil writes The Curiosity Chronicle, a newsletter designed to help individuals with a growth mindset achieve a high-performing, healthy, and wealthy life.

One of the ways he encourages people to sign up is by offering his library of “50 life hacks” in exchange for an email opt-in.

They give new subscribers a flavor of exactly what to expect from the newsletter - tips and tricks for optimizing your life in “outside-the-box” ways.

Kyle Balmer

Kyle runs an AI newsletter and has produced a ton of libraries and swipe files to entice new subscribers.

They’re all tightly tied to the primary topic of AI, leaning into how to leverage the most popular AI tools like ChatGPT, Claude and Gemini to achieve lucrative goals!

These lead magnets have been wildly successful, generating hundreds of new subscribers each and helping Kyle accumulate over 50k newsletter subscribers overall.

Gunnar Holm

Gunnar runs a newsletter teaching other newsletter operators how to grow their list (a little like us).

One of the ways he attracts new subscribers is by sharing valuable examples of successful newsletter ads he has gathered.

When you retweet Gunnar's tweet, he shoots you a DM asking you to opt-in with your email so he can send the swipe file.

You get a bunch of useful examples, and Gunnar gets a new email subscriber.

The Playbook

Discover all 25 paid growth methods to grow your newsletter

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Discover all 79 ways to grow your newsletter

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