Growth methods

Newsletter takeovers

What is it?

With this approach, you collaborate directly with other influencers in your niche to "take over" your newsletter for a special edition where they provide one-off content.

When they share the news of the takeover with their followers, you'll be indirectly promoting your newsletter to a warmed-up audience that trusts that influencer's endorsement.

Trevor (from "How It Actually Works") and Josh (from "For The Interested") swapped intros to reach each others audiences.

The aim is to convert a portion of their fan base into new subscribers for yourself.

You can team up with friends who have newsletters that align on topics, or ask your own subscribers what other newsletters they enjoy, sign up for some that make sense, and then pitch the creators on a takeover.

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Ideal for
Beginner (< 500 subs or < $5k revenue)
Early Stage (< 5k subs or < $50k revenue)
... in the

The Good and the Bad

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Examples of how to crush it

How It Actually Works/For The Interested

Trevor McKendrick of "How It Actually Works" recently teamed up with Josh Spector from "For The Interested" to essentially guest write the intro section of each other's newsletters.

Trevor’s takeover of Josh’s newsletter…

In Trevor’s takeover of Josh's newsletter, he introduced himself and highlighted an essay of his that he figured the readers would care about, along with some social proof.

After making his pitch, Trevor handed it back over to Josh to continue with the regular newsletter content his subscribers expected.

The Playbook

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