Growth methods

Repurpose newsletter as blog posts for organic traffic

What is it?

Repurposing content from your newsletters as blog posts is a smart way to get more mileage out of the quality information you've already created.

By sharing those posts as articles on your website, you open up that content to be discovered by a whole new audience through search engines.

Morning Brew fleshes out the stories from their newsletter as full articles on their website.

Why not get extra value from the work you've already put in?

It’s a cool way to be discovered by potential new subscribers, and offer them a taste of the great content they'll receive by joining your newsletter.

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Ideal for
Early Stage (< 5k subs or < $50k revenue)
Growing (< 50k subs or < $500k revenue)
... in the

The Good and the Bad

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Examples of how to crush it


Pat Walls, the founder of StarterStory, has grown his website's organic traffic to 1.2 million visits per month by repurposing his interviews as blog posts - building an email list of over 100k subscribers in the process.

Initially, Pat was just uploading his interviews straight to his website. But then he realized he’d get much better results by tweaking them slightly to optimize for “search intent”.

So Pat went through his past articles, grouped together all the golf-related businesses, and wrote a comprehensive post titled "18 Golf Business Ideas & Opportunities in 2023." 

And it paid off. The repurposed content shot straight to a #2 ranking on Google and attracted thousands of organic visitors. 

So obviously, Pat didn't stop there. He applied the same strategy to other industries. 

  • "18 Health Business Ideas"
  • "18 Tennis Business Ideas"
  • "18 Football Business Ideas"

In the long run, it helped him build a business that generated $1.1M in revenue in last year.

Marketing Examples 

Harry Dry, the creator of and author of "Harry’s Newsletter," has openly shared on podcasts how useful search traffic is for acquiring extra subscribers.

His article "17 Tips for Great Copywriting," swallows the whole screen for Google searches for "Tips for great copywriting" (and drives a big chunk of traffic, according to Harry).

Harry then turns the website visitors who come for his valuable tips into newsletter subscribers through email capture forms on-page.

The Playbook

Discover all 25 paid growth methods to grow your newsletter

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Discover all 79 ways to grow your newsletter

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