Growth methods

Share on discovery platforms

What is it?

There are a variety of platforms that serve as tastemakers for enthusiastic early adopters on the hunt for new products or content.

Getting your newsletter featured on these can drive a surge of new subscribers.

Product hunt is a site that ranks trending tools and content. You can get your newsletter featured on this list!

For newsletter operators, the most relevant examples are:

  • Hacker News for tech/startup-focused content
  • Product Hunt for more practical/outcome-based newsletters
  • Lifehacker for tips/tricks/life hacks
  • InboxReads specifically for highlighting new newsletters

Study the types of new finds that get highlighted and go viral within those communities. 

If your newsletter delivers on its promise, you can convert many of those sample viewers into long-term subscribers.

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Ideal for
Beginner (< 500 subs or < $5k revenue)
Early Stage (< 5k subs or < $50k revenue)
... in the

The Good and the Bad

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Examples of how to crush it


Jaisal Rathee shared his newsletter on Hacker News, targeting readers in the startup, business, and tech world.

The results were impressive: he received 8,000 visits in 24 hours and gained 700 new subscribers within 48 hours.

All of the exposure also brought tons of valuable feedback to improve the newsletter.

Life-Changing Concepts

Ozan Irturk launched his weekly newsletter, Life-Changing Concepts, on Product Hunt. 

This newsletter shares mental models to give founders an unfair advantage in business. 

The launch was a success, finishing the day in 4th place and becoming the 3rd product of the month in the marketing category.

Ozan gained around 1,500 subscribers from the launch, with most joining on the launch day and the day after, thanks to Product Hunt's newsletter featuring the top 10 products of the previous day.

Irrational Pricing

Denizacan launched his newsletter on Product Hunt, and was able to almost double his existing audience in a single day

The Playbook

Discover all 25 paid growth methods to grow your newsletter

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Discover all 79 ways to grow your newsletter

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