Growth methods

Social media influencer promotions

What is it?

Partnering with influencers who have a relevant following on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, TikTok etc. can be a great way to get your newsletter underpriced, targeted attention.

You get to benefit from the relationship these creators have already built with their community, making viewers more likely to trust your newsletter is worth giving a chance.

This YouTube creator is sharing his experience reading Morning Brew, and encouraging his audience to become subscribers.

Micro-influencers in particular, with smaller but hyper-engaged followings, can represent amazing value if you take the time for outreach.

You can ask them to promote your best lead magnets, offers or just comment on some standout content from your newsletter.

Beyond the initial bump of subscribers, you're simultaneously collecting compelling "user generated content" that you can then repurpose for your own paid advertising.

Just make sure that your audiences are aligned - otherwise, it’s not going to be an effective play.

An icon to visualise expected effort
An icon visualising expected payoff
Scales to 1000's of subscribers a day
Ideal for
Early Stage (< 5k subs or < $50k revenue)
Growing (< 50k subs or < $500k revenue)
... in the

The Good and the Bad

Yellow check icon
  • can drive high volume
  • can be a low CPA
  • can recoup much of the cost with SparkLoop paid recommendations
Red cross icon
  • takes a lot of upfront time to source
  • risky (no guaranteed ROI)

Examples of how to crush it

Morning Brew/Cameron Galbraith

Cameron is a hedge fund intern who is documenting the growth of his career through his YouTube channel.

He's exactly the kind of character Morning Brew are looking to reach as subscribers - so it makes sense that they've partnered with him to promote to his like minded audience.

Zach Busekrus (The Airbnb Deals Guy)

This is a great example of the power of micro-influencers compared to traditional advertising.

Jut check out those numbers -  100x more effective!

The Playbook

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