Growth methods

Sponsoring other newsletters

What is it?

Paying to appear in other established newsletters can be a great way to boost your own subscriber base.

Popular newsletters like Morning Brew, The Hustle, and The Skimm have all benefited from this strategy in the past.

Here's The Motley Fool sponsoring The Hustle, hoping to attract some of their audience.

A major benefit of these promotions is that you're only reaching people who are already "newsletter readers". Which is a win.

And if you're selective with your sponsorships and choose newsletters similar to yours, you know that their readers are likely to be interested in you too.

Most sponsor-friendly newsletters offer a variety of options at different prices. Image credit: The Newsletter Newsletter

Because manually reaching out to newsletters to sponsor is very time-consuming and has an uncertain ROI, most newsletters that used to advertise directly in other newsletters have switched this spend to a SparkLoop partner program instead.

This has two major advantages:

  1. You can be connected with thousands of good-fit newsletters automatically
  2. You only pay for quality, engaged subscribers (rather than a flat fee or CPC)
An icon to visualise expected effort
An icon visualising expected payoff
Up to 100 subscribers a day
Scales to 1000's of subscribers a day
Ideal for
Beginner (< 500 subs or < $5k revenue)
Early Stage (< 5k subs or < $50k revenue)
Growing (< 50k subs or < $500k revenue)
... in the

The Good and the Bad

Yellow check icon
  • High quality subscribers
  • Can recoup cost with SparkLoop paid recommendations
Red cross icon
  • very time consuming if sourcing partnerships manually
  • uncertain ROI (if not running through a platform like SparkLoop)

Examples of how to crush it

BotEatBrain -

This AI newsletter is always popping up in other places. Here they are in The Rollup.


Founder Anthony says these sponsorships have been doing really well, and he's always looking out for more.


Here's TLDR sponsoring the newsletter. It works well as a partnership as they're both addressing a strictly tech-oriented audience.

Motley Fool

Motley Fool are a huge financial newsletter, so they have the budget to appear in some high profile ad spots. Here they are in Morning Brew...

And showing up again in The Hustle...

That's the two biggest financial newsletters in the world - so clearly Motley Fool are seeing a good return here to persist with this expensive strategy.

The Playbook

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