Growth methods

TikTok organic

What is it?

TikTok has crazy potential for videos to blow up and spread like wildfire. 

Plenty of newsletter operators are choosing to tap into that with viral content designed to introduce viewers to their brand.

Miss Excel uses her TikTok explainers to get brand awareness (and email opt-ins).

The key is to create bite-sized videos that people are likely to share/engage with and let the algorithm blast you out all over the platform.

Once you’ve got some traction, you can include calls-to-action in your videos and bio, encouraging viewers to sign up for your newsletter to access your longer-form content.

This strategy works best if your target audience skews slightly younger, and you’re in a niche where you can produce attention-grabbing, surprising content.

An icon to visualise expected effort
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An icon visualising expected payoff
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Ideal for
Early Stage (< 5k subs or < $50k revenue)
Beginner (< 500 subs or < $5k revenue)
... in the

The Good and the Bad

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Red cross icon

Examples of how to crush it

Money Lawyer Erika

Erika, a personal finance expert, gained millions of followers on TikTok by sharing viral "hack" videos on how to save money and get free stuff.

Within just one month of posting her first video, she exploded from zero followers to over 5 million!

To capitalize on her TikTok fame, Erika includes a link in her bio for her free investing challenge.

Signing up for the challenge also opts participants into Erika's newsletter, so she can reach them again and again.

Emily Mariko

Emily Mariko blew up on TikTok for her cooking and lifestyle videos.

She’s cleverly using Linktree in her bio to funnel followers to her Substack newsletter, "Emily's Life Plan for the Week”, which lets followers go deeper with grocery lists and meal plans

The Linktree acted as a simple yet effective landing page, with a prominent button directing viewers to her newsletter.

The result is a very impressive over 370,000 subscribers on her Substack.

Miss Excel

Kat started posting educational content on her brand-new TikTok account in 2020, teaching people how to use Microsoft Excel in a fun way.

Her 20th video went viral with 3.6 million views!

Just like that, within three weeks, she had over 100k followers on TikTok. Now, she has 962k followers.

Her short-form educational content funnels viewers to a webinar, with an email capture that also subscribes them to her newsletter.

Once they are subscribed to her newsletter, she can reach them through her email list and remarket other courses to them.

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