Growth methods

Twitter/X organic

What is it?

Once you've built an audience on Twitter/X, you can entice your followers to subscribe to your newsletter by sharing snippets from recent editions and offering "deeper dives" via email.

This history/art newsletter got its start by growing a huge audience on Twitter

The main ways to grow your Twitter/X account are:

1. By sharing valuable and engaging content relevant to your niche, such as tips, news, and interesting takes.

2. Actively engaging with your audience by responding to comments and commenting on other users' posts.

By working these methods in tandem, you build connections that increase the likelihood of being retweeted, creating an exponential effect where influencers and other readers in your niche share your content with their audiences.

And as you grow your followers, more people will see your content and be exposed to your newsletter.

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No items found.
An icon visualising expected payoff
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Ideal for
Beginner (< 500 subs or < $5k revenue)
Early Stage (< 5k subs or < $50k revenue)
Growing (< 50k subs or < $500k revenue)
Scaling (50k+ subs or $500k+ revenue)
... in the

The Good and the Bad

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Red cross icon

Examples of how to crush it

Marketing Examined

Alex committed to writing 50 Twitter threads over 50 consecutive days - and it produced remarkable results.

At the end of the 50-day challenge, Garcia's subscriber count had skyrocketed from 2,000 to over 9,000.

By closely monitoring the performance of his threads, Garcia figured out the types of content that resonated most with his target audience. 

This created a feedback loop where each thread was more likely to go viral than the last. 

Sahil Bloom

Bloom does something interesting to get new viewers on the hook and want to spend more time with him.

Within his threads, he’s always encouraging readers to explore related content through links to his previous threads.

As readers consumed more of his material, they were naturally inclined to follow him for future updates.

These loyal followers eventually become newsletter subscribers when they’re offered “deeper dives” in their inboxes.

Ben’s Bites

This newsletter about AI was able to blow up by leveraging the power of Twitter replies.

Ben would comment under popular fresh tweets from other creators, offering the public a chance to go deeper on the topic with him in Ben’s Bites.

Culture Critic

Culture Critic shares his analyses of art, architecture, and more with a huge 1.6 million follower audience.

He’s recently started a newsletter which he promotes at the bottom of his mega-viral threads, and has been able to rack up over 40,000 subscribers in just 4 months.

The Playbook

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Discover all 79 ways to grow your newsletter

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