Growth methods

"Here's what you missed" recaps

What is it?

"What you missed" recaps capitalize on FOMO - the fear of missing out.

By sharing a few of your most tantalizing or actionable insights, you're giving non-subscribers a tiny taste of the value your newsletter provides.

Justin Welsh sharing the valuable strategies he just published to his newsletter, giving viewers a second chance to catch them.

You could be be sharing some standout quotes in a Twitter thread, or resharing a stat or graphic on Instagram.

Cap off each recap with a cheeky "subscribe to get the full scoop next time" kinda call-to-action, along with a convenient signup link.

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Ideal for
Beginner (< 500 subs or < $5k revenue)
Early Stage (< 5k subs or < $50k revenue)
Growing (< 50k subs or < $500k revenue)
Scaling (50k+ subs or $500k+ revenue)
... in the

The Good and the Bad

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Red cross icon

Examples of how to crush it

Justin Welsh

Justin Welsh uses recaps to capitalize on people's innate desire to feel “in the loop”.

He hits on his audience’s pain point (growing on Twitter) in a way designed to appeal to everyone.

Meanwhile, he’s also letting his followers know that thousands of people just gained an advantage - so you’d better sign up to not get left behind!

James Clear

James uses Instagram to share recaps of his newsletter content.

His feed is full of excerpts pulling directly from his most recent email. Usually a concise tip or thought-provoking idea.

These snippets give followers a taste of the valuable material they’re missing out on, and what they can expect by subscribing.

The Playbook

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Discover all 79 ways to grow your newsletter

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